It’s been a while since I blogged and so I thought I’d get back to it.
I have actually decided to make it one of my resolutions for New Year – blog more…
Since I started working I genuinely haven’t found time to blog much but I think it’s a good thing to do once in a while – put things straight.
One of the first things I want to do is compile a proper list of my resolutions – I’ve been making loads of them up all day so thought it’s time it was in writing.
Here goes, hold on tight:
- Visit the gym at least six times a fortnight and spend at least 1 hour per visit. Follow and stick to programme and advice rather than just pottering around playing with random machines.
- Listen to the radio more often.
- Take out a new Economist subscription.
- Read at least two books per month. Further, stop starting books and start finishing some! I have about 15 books on the go currently.
- Complete the three self-teaching-French books, each that I’ve invested in, started well, but none of which I’ve ever got near to finishing.
- Think less, do more. Many people have the opposite problem but I spend far too much time dreaming.
- Take some form of dancing lessons – I like the idea of Salsa lessons personally. Attend at least three times per month.
- Watch a good film at the cinema once a month at least.
- Cycle, walk or run to explore more of London – this is a continuation of genuinely good progress made in the latter half of last year.
- Enroll to learn how to climb properly – join the climbing wall and get qualified to the first / beginners level; whatever that may be.
- Have more patience with people, especially with work colleagues.
- Relax. Stop worrying and being angry about things all of the time. Write a maximum of five letters of complaint this year and avoid at all costs phoning call centres since I know from experience that they don’t get me to where I want to go.
- Consider Yoga. At least go and try it out and see if it helps.
- Learn to stretch properly before exercising.
- Try to learn to sleep on back instead of side.
- Get less haircuts, buy less clothes, shave less often.
- Iron shirts on the in bulk on the weekend instead of every morning in a rush. Look into costs for getting someone else to do this for me, for that matter.
- Try to go swimming at least once a fortnight. Investigate best times to go.
- Take out a new membership to a political party before April. Get in touch with local representatives.
- Investigate all local public events – meetings and the arts. Attend as many as is humanly possible – stop being idle and using other things as an excuse to do nothing.
- Cook more often – stop eating out, especially fast food. Cook lunch for work and take it in rather than buying lunch ready-made at least three out of five days per week.
- Restart but continue no-repeating of lunches for 2009; following on from success of five month August to December trial in 2008 which included nearly 100 unique lunches.
- Drink alcohol less frequently.
- Drink yet more water following on from ten-glasses-a-day attempt of 2008 – failed. Attempt seven-glasses-per-day in 2009.
- Learn to cook at least ten new different main meals and practice for near-perfection, preferably non-British.
- Pay all library fines, avoid incurring any further fees.
- Reduce overall commercial (student) debt by 15% by the end of the year. Repay all personal-debts by 24th birthday.
- Learn to identify fifteenn different types of British tree by leaf, shape and bark.
- Stop falling for people quite so quickly. Stop worrying about being single eternally. Make most of being single.
- Increase intake of protein, Vitamin B1 and Zinc.
- Reduce number of winegums bought at cornershops at unreasonably inflated ‘convenience’ prices – by wholesale if possible if not at least buy from major supermarkets.
- Buy all long-distance train tickets in advance unless life-and-death emergency demands otherwise.
- Eat less chocolate.
- Investigate better facial moisturiser; aim for one which doesn’t make sking so greesy.
- Sleep for at least 56 hours per week; majority in the night.
- Wake up with plenty of time for slow preparation in the morning for work 100% this year.
- Walk / run / cycle 90% of the time to and from work between April and August.
- Improve grammar.
- Join British Museum friends and become member of Tate.
- Replace computer. Seriously consider a Mac.