Fortune favours the brave.
Game I – Attack of the Clone[s]
Event: FICS rated standard game
White: scottwestron (1205)
Black: CowMast (1265)
Result: 0-1
Time Control: 1200+10
Date: 2012-02-07
Round: 1 of 2
Duration: 0:09:54
White Clock:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 Bd6 4. Bg5 Nf6 5. Nc3 h6 6. Bh4 Be7 7. dxe5 Ng4 8. Bc4 O-O 9. Nd5 Bxh4 10. g3 Ngxe5 11. Bb3 Na5 12. gxh4 Nxb3 13. cxb3 c6 14. Ne3 Qa5 15. Qd2 Nxf3 16. Kd1 Qxd2 0-1 {White checkmated}
Game II – The Empire Strikes Back
Event: FICS rated standard game
White: CowMast (1389)
Black: scottwestron (1198)
Result: 0-1
Time Control: 1200+10
Date: 2012-02-07
Round: 2 of 2
Duration: 0:18:00
White Clock:
1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. f3 e5 4. d3 d4 5. Nb5 c6 6. Na3 Bb4 7. Bd2 Qd6 8. Nc4 Qc5 9. b3 b5 10. Bxb4 Qxb4 11. Nd2 O-O 12. a3 Qa5 13. Nh3 Qc3 14. f4 Bg4 15. Be2 Nxe4 16. O-O Bxe2 17. Qxe2 Nxd2 18. Rfd1 Nd7 19. Qe1 exf4 20. Rxd2 Rfe8 21. Qd1 Re3 22. Nxf4 Rae8 23. Kf2 Re1 24. Qg4 Qxd2 25. Kg3 Rxa1 26. Qxd7 g5 27. Qxe8 Kg7 28. Qe5 f6 29. Nh5 Kg6 30. Kg4 Qxg2 31. Ng3 fxe5 32. c4 h5 0-1 {White checkmated}
– SW
Location:Little Newport St,,United Kingdom